How Copywriting Makes Money

Copywriting is not the same as having a copyright.

  • A copy right is the a protection on what you write so no one else can make money on it without your permission (and a fee!)
  • Copy writing is the act of writing words that lead the reader on a journey that addresses a need with a solution, and helps them see the wisdom in obtaining a particular product.

Most of the people who are copywriters do advertising and marketing.

  • Marketing is informing people about the benefits of a product or service
  • Advertising is a direct request to buy that product or service

Copywriters write sales letters, advertisements, reports and instructions about things.  There is generally a standard format, which has been developed over time.  There are a variety of templates.  Each teacher has their own – often proprietary – method for writing.  The ones I know all start with that template outline, and then fill in details.

One outline is to identify a problem and decide who has that problem. You state a solution, list the benefits, features and value of the solution, and the ask for a response, usually leading toward a sale.

in other words, copywriting is the skill of helping people make a decision to buy a product.

  • A well-written letter costs a lot of money ($10k-$80k, or more).
  • And the market for good copywriters is booming.

The format we use comes from Ray Edwards, a master copywriter with the gift of teaching.  That’s important, because some teachers only teach what others do, and some who are good writers aren’t good teachers.  Ray is both.

Ray’s Copywriting Academy teaches to state the problem and then describe it thoroughly.  Try to describe the customer’s pain point in enough detail they understand you understand, maybe better than they are willing to admit.  Then you tell stories about your solution, and offer testimonies of how it has helped others.  Then you restate the benefits of the product, it’s value, and the costs of not purchasing.

  • Learning how to ask for even $1 an hour more gives you $2,000 more a year, and perhaps an extra $90,000 over the course of a career.  Not purchasing the product could cost you $90,000.  Is it worth $500?
  • Suppose your business earns $1,000 from each customer (dentists, for example). Knowing how go from 400 patients to 500 patients adds $100,000 to your income.

Ray opens the class once a year.  I took it several years ago, and have already made significantly more from the training. The first 4 lessons are free, but that part of the class closes on May 5.  Click here to watch the free sessions, and see if this is right for you.

note: these are affiliate links, which means if you choose to buy the offer that’s presented during the 4th video, I will get paid a commission.  this commission does not raise your cost or change the price in any way.  it’s how Ray covers his own advertising expenses.


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